monthly boat service from U.S. ports to Alaska began in 1867 following
the purchase of Alaska from Russia. Occupation troops were dispatched
and cargo and mail soon followed. By 1875 several ship lines were making
the voyage up the Panhandle in spite of often-inhospitable waters and a
treacherous coastline. The first tourists began booking passage as
reports of unparalleled scenery were increasingly publicized.
Charles E. Peabody was born into the old-line family
that launched the infamous Black Ball Line's scheduled sailings in 1817
out of a New York pier with the packet ship James Monroe. The Black Ball
Line was initially known for textile importer Benjamin Marshall's
revolutionary idea for prompt, reliable service on boats that departed
and arrived on schedule, full or not. From the 1820s through the 1840s
regular transatlantic passages were run year round from New York's South
Street to Liverpool, England and back again. Although there were at
least four shipping companies that took part in this business, the Black
Ball Line and Swallowtail Line are perhaps the most famous. In operation
for some 60 years, the Black Ball Line took its name from its flag, a
black ball on a red background.
Regular transport of goods and passengers across the
Atlantic has not always been like what it is today. Ships used to sail at wildly unpredictable times.
If a vessel was only half-full, it might stay in the harbor for a week
or two, awaiting more cargo.
All of that changed in October of 1817 when the Black
Ball Line decided to establish a policy of regularly scheduled
departures. The original plan explained that a ship would depart from
New York on the 5th of each month while, on the 1st of each month, a
ship would leave Liverpool.
The EVENING POST in 1817 boasted that the commanders
of all these ships were "men of great experience and
activity." This article also speculated that "the regularity
of their times of sailing . . . will make them very desirable
opportunities for the conveyance of goods." This, of course, turned
out to be quite true. Thanks to the Black Ball Line's innovation,
New-York became a top-notch port, outshining Boston and Philadelphia.
Prior to January 1818, transatlantic sailing ships
were general carriers sailing on no fixed schedule. In 1817 a group of
New York merchants decided to experiment with a scheduled service to and
from the port of Liverpool. Thus was founded the Black Ball Line along
with an assemblage of a large enough fleet of vessels to guarantee a
sailing from each side of the Pacific on a given day each week, whether
the ships were fully loaded or not. The gamble, however, was a success.
As it turned out, shippers were willing to pay higher rates to know that
their goods were leaving on a certain date. Competing lines were soon
established at New York and at other major East Coast ports.
The Black Ball Line of three ships was established in
April 1817, with the ships originally intended to sail in succession,
though not, like the later packets, on a fixed schedule. The addition of
the JAMES MONROE as a fourth ship, on October 24, 1817, led to the
announcement of the first regular transatlantic ship service: "To
sail on their Appointed Days, full or not full." The fifth of the
month was fixed as the departure date from New York, while ships were to
sail from Liverpool on the seventeenth, beginning in January 1818. The
proprietors of what came to be known as the Black Ball Line were Isaac
Wright & Son, Francis Thompson, Benjamin Marshall, and Jeremiah
Thompson was an English immigrant from Yorkshire who
had come to New York at age seventeen in 1801 to join his uncle in
representing the family's woolen manufacturing business. From that base
they engaged in shipping and ship owning. Thompson, dealing in volatile markets for finished imports and raw exports, wanted faster, more reliable service. He conceived the notion of a transatlantic ship
"line" ~ several vessels under coordinated private management, sailing on known dates between established ports, and locked into an unchanging departure schedule for the foreseeable
MONROE and her three sister ships, the PACIFIC, AMITY and COURIER, were all about 400 tons.
Soon afterwards, other ships joined the line, some registering 500 tons.
Joining the Black Ball
"downhill" races across the North Atlantic to Liverpool were
Nobody tried to compete against the Black Ball Line
for the first few years, but by 1821 everybody wanted a line. On the
first and the sixteenth of every month a Black Ball liner sailed to
Liverpool. Those dates became the European mail days throughout the
United States.
only four years after the opening of the first scheduled packet service
in the United States—between Albany and New York City—this was an
extraordinarily bold and uniquely American initiative that sought to
capitalize on the new need for more reliable and faster service for
passengers and smaller (though more numerous and hence more lucrative)
consignments of various non-bulk cargoes, both of which would generate
increased revenues. The start of regularly scheduled sailings encouraged
the development of ever faster ships, both sail and steam, and initiated
a revolutionary way of serving customers, seen today in the myriad
companies offering "next-day" delivery virtually anywhere in
the commercial world.
Named for the newly elected president, the JAMES
MONROE inaugurated this service on the cold, windy morning of January 5,
1818, when she departed New York under Captain James Watkinson with
eight passengers and a cargo consisting of apples, flour, cotton,
cranberries, hops, and wool; her holds were only about three-quarters
full. The departure had been advertised in the Commercial
Advertiser since the October 24, 1817 newspaper edition. On January
1st, the COURIER left Liverpool, bound for New York.
The JAMES MONROE arrived at Liverpool, England on
February 2, 1818, a respectable time for the season, especially when
compared with the majority of other ships sailing at the same time. The
return passage started on March 3, but the ship was forced to return to
Liverpool for repairs after a storm in the Irish Sea. JAMES MONROE
returned to New York only a week before her next scheduled sailing.
Overall, in their first year of operation the Black Ballers averaged 25
days eastbound and 43 days westbound. Because of a shipping glut on the
North Atlantic, profits were low for the first three years of service,
and it was not until 1821 that the next regular packet service was
established by the New Line, or Red Star
(Lincoln P. Paine. Ships of the World: An Historical
Encyclopedia. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1997, pp. 271-72)
Even as
the Black Ball Line was the first and most famous American packet ship
line to carry passengers and cargo from New York to Liverpool and back,
the steamship's arrival in the late 1800s paved the way for the demise
of the sailing ship. The steamship was faster than the sailing packet,
virtually cutting the voyage time in half. The steamship CITY OF GLASGOW
set the precedent in 1850 when a profit was made by carrying 400
emigrants. By 1863, 45% of British emigrants to America traveled by
steam and just three years later the figure had risen to over 80%. The
major sailing packets continued until sometime, but three of the five
largest packet lines all closed down before 1878. By the summer of that
year, even the famous Black Ball Line was forced to close down. The Red
Swallowtail Line was the last to go in 1880.
~ ~ ~
Born into a family of historical seafarers, ship captains
and businessmen, Enoch Peabody learned the life of the sea and began
captaining various ships of the Black Ball Line. While working alongside
two sons of Benjamin Marshal, Enoch met, and began courting Cornelia
Marshall, their sister, daughter to Benjamin Marshall, one of the
original owners of the Black Ball Line. On April 26, 1855, Captain Enoch
W. Peabody of the packet ship NEPTUNE married Cornelia Marshall. Their
third child of eight, Charles E. Peabody, was born on December 4, 1857,
and grew up to be a stockbroker on Wall Street, temporarily leaving the
family's profession on the sea. In 1881, Enoch W. Peabody died.
Charles H.
Folger, who was heir to the Folger coffee
empire and Enoch's cousin, was named Secretary of the U.S. Treasury in
Chester Arthur's administration in the 1880s. Folger named Charles E. Peabody
special agent for the West Coast, where he managed the U.S.
Revenue Cutter Service. Leaving for the West at age 25 in 1882, he met
Miss Lilly Macaulay on the train, a meeting that would change not only
his plans for the future but would eventually influence Puget Sound
shipping and another prominent Northwestern individual, Joshua Green.
Lilly's father was William J.
Macaulay, an early day
lumber king on Vancouver island. As Charles Peabody pursued Lilly over the next
few years, his future father-in-law liked the cut of his jib and the
two, along with Robert Dunsmuir, formed the Victoria Lumber &
Manufacturing Co. at Chemainus, B.C. Peabody became business manager and
soon married Lilly Macaulay on May 27, 1891; afterwards the couple made their
home in Port Townsend, Washington where Peabody had become prominent in
the coal industry, logging operations and the Merchants Bank.
In 1891 Charles Peabody and a friend, Walter Oakes,
became partners in the Pacific Wharf Co. and steered it through the
financial shoals of the 1893 panic.
On August 3, 1894, Charles
Peabody, Capt. George
Roberts, Capt. Melville Nichols, George Lent, Frank E. Burns and Walter
Oakes formed the Alaska Steamship Company which would eventually enjoy a
near monopoly of freight and passenger service to Alaska as their fleet
increased to 67 ships. This group of six men began gathering $30,000 by
selling 300 shares of stock, at $100 each. Charles Peabody was named
president of the company.
On Jan. 21, 1895, the Alaska Steamship Company was
finalized. The first vessel purchased was the 140-foot steamer WILLAPA
which began flying the historic Black Ball flag. The WILLAPA
was noteworthy to Alaska Steamship because it could carry passengers as
well as freight. She was placed on the route from Puget Sound to
Southeast Alaska in direct competition with the established Pacific
Steamship Company. The steamer left Seattle on her first voyage March 3, 1895,
making two trips a month. Another shipping company, the Northwest (Northern)
Steamship Company, had organized the northern route as a result of the
Nome gold strike in 1900, servicing Valdez, Cook Inlet, and the Bering
Sea ports. First class passenger fares from Seattle to Juneau were $52,
and freight rates were $11 per ton. A significant shot in the arm to the
newly established company Alaska Steamship was the fact that, shortly after the
company opened for business, Alaska began to experience
major economic benefits resulting from the Klondike Gold Rush of 1897.
In addition to fish products, the Alaska Steamship Company began hauling
mining equipment, dog sleds, cattle, and miscellaneous supplies.
A rate war ensued and the older company slashed their
rates in half to try to starve off the younger company. But the Alaska
Steamship officers were the real thing, not just flashes in the pan, as
the Klondike miners would say. Peabody was strong in all his industries
and Oakes was the son of Thomas Oakes, president of the Northern Pacific
Railway. Additionally, they were adept in the emerging art of public
relations. The public resented Pacific Steamship's ravenous attempts to
squelch the young company and most prospective miners and businessmen
patronized the WILLAPA for passage north.
June 1895, Alexander Marshall Peabody is born to
Charles and Lilly Peabody.
At the end of 1897,
Charles Peabody reorganized
the Alaska Steamship Co. and his fleet expanded rapidly as the Klondike
gold stampede mounted. In 1898 the stockholders formed the Puget Sound
Navigation Co. as an inland water subsidiary. That new company was
registered in Nevada where corporate laws were more lenient. The Puget
Sound routes were a natural place for the company to recycle some of its
smaller original vessels as they became obsolete for the strenuous
Alaska runs. One of the partners in this venture was D.B. Jackson, who
was affiliated with Charles Peabody from the early days of the
original Pacific Wharf Co. and was the grandfather of future Washington
state governor Daniel J. Evans.
1898 was a frenzied year. Boats from every available
source were needed to bring gold hungry individuals to Alaska.
As the turn of the century was approaching, several
events were causing tremendous increases in Southeast Alaskan marine
travel: religious missions were being established, fish canneries were
being built and gold had been discovered. The Inside Passage was a major
route to overland staging areas for the gold fields.
On May 2, 1903, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer
announced a major turning point in the steamship industry when it
reported that the Alaska Steamship Co., owners of Puget Sound Navigation
Co., had purchased controlling stock of LaConner Trading &
Transportation Co. (LaConner Trading & Transportation was
originally made up of partners Sam Denny, Peter Falk, Frank Zickmund and
Joshua Green plus George T. Willey, a hay and grain merchant on the
Seattle waterfront, which the other four had partnered with after
LaConner Trading had been established.) The new
concern was initially named Inland Navigation Co. but as Puget Sound
Navigation Co., the resulting company would become the 800-pound
gorilla of Puget Sound shipping. Negotiations had been pending for
several weeks between Charles Peabody, Walter Oakes, Joshua Green and George
J. Willey. At an earlier date, Green had bought out Sam Denny's
interests in LaConner Trading & Transportation Co.
As stated in the Victoria Daily Colonist on May 3,
1903, "The transfer, which was made yesterday morning, means the
consolidation for operative purposes of the Puget Sound Navigation
Company and the La Conner Trading & Transportation Company with a
close working alliance with the Alaska Steamship Company, which may be
said to be the parent corporation. It was brought about through the
purchase of the stock of L.T. & T. Co. held by Capt. Willey, general
manager of the company, for a consideration of about $100,000 in cash
and cash securities.
"The transfer of Capt. Willey's stock throws 20
ocean and sound steamers under one management and control. They are the
'Majestic', 'Rosalie', 'Alice Gertrude', 'Garland', 'Prosper', 'Clallam',
'Samson' and 'Lydia Thompson', of the Puget Sound Navigation Company;
the Alaska Steamship Company's 'Dolphin', 'Dirago', 'Farallon' and
'Humboldt'; the La Conner Trading & Transportation Company's
'Utopia', 'George E. Starr', 'Fairhaven', 'T.W. Lake', 'Inland Flyer',
'Rapid Transit', 'Port Orchard' and 'Ashton'. All save two of these
vessels, the 'Athlon' which is the property of H.B. Kennedy, and the
'Humboldt', which is owned by the Humboldt Steamship Company, are owned
outright by the three transportation companies named."
Charles Peabody
controlled the majority of stock
and he became president of the enlarged company. Soon afterwards,
Peabody became chairman of the board, at which time Green became
president, Falk became vice president and Walter Oakes became
secretary-treasurer. The LaConner Trading & Transportation Co.
retained an identity, however, because of the strengths of Joshua Green.
In 1902, a year before Peabody and his associates
bought out Willey's interest in LaConner Trading & Transportation
Co., they initiated through Puget Sound Navigation Co. a Port Townsend
and Port Angeles to Victoria steamship route for both freight and
passengers. Pacific Steamship Co. was caught napping as they had
committed all their ships to the Klondike run, which was still running
as the gold rush slowly subsided. The other possible competitor,
Canadian Pacific Railway, initially declined to compete on the route,
concentrating instead on their Empress oceangoing sleek steamships that
connected with their rail route across the Canadian Rockies and their
Empress Hotels in Victoria and Vancouver.
Two months after the LaConner Trading &
Transportation Co. purchase of 1903, Puget Sound Navigation Co. launched
their new super steamer, the 155-foot wooden CLALLAM on the Seattle to
Victoria run. The vessel was a luxury ship with 44 staterooms.
1904 saw Alaska Steamship Company having to purchase
three more vessels to keep up with the gold rush runs to Alaska.
In 1906, Capt. William P. Thornton ferried the first
automobile across the sound on the STATE OF WASHINGTON steamer on the
Port Orchard run. That did not start a rush because the old boats were
not designed at all for transporting the bulky autos of the day. But
within a couple of years, Charles Peabody bought a touring car for
his family. He liked to take a few of his eight sons for a ride in his
"machine" to visit friends on the Olympic Peninsula or in
Victoria. Captains who wanted to please the boss scurried to aid his
social pursuits. The company installed an elevator on the bow of several
steamers to assist loading and off-loading of cargo at varying tide
levels. To accommodate Peabody, the captains installed plank ramps that
led onto the elevator and the auto was then driven aboard the ship. The
next problem was the low ceiling on the vessel's superstructure on the
cargo deck, much shorter than the tall Peabody car. Once again,
necessity acted as the mother of invention, as the crew let the air out
of the tires and removed the convertible top of the car along with the
windshield, a daring act on a $4,000 auto. Once the steamer reached its
destination, the crew reassembled the car. Soon, other notable worthies
wanted to be accommodated. Back in those days this lengthy process did
not hold up a long line of waiting cars because you were required to
make an appointment many hours in advance of departure time. As requests
mounted, some daring drivers pitched in to remove their own tires to
speed up the process and their act became a common occurrence to the
passenger crowd's amusement.
As a practical matter, Puget Sound Navigation Co.
began looking ahead to the years when automobiles would draw passengers
away from ferries. After the Navy construction at Port Orchard and
Bremerton, housing developments followed. By the teen years of the new
century, the company wondered if travelers would choose to drive around the base
of the sound via Olympia to reach their peninsula destinations once
roads were improved enough to make such a trip more convenient than
following the company's ferry schedule. Before LaConner Trading &
Transportation Co. was merged with the Puget Sound Navigation Co.,
Joshua Green signed a joint agreement with H.B. Kennedy for two ships to
cross on the Port Orchard route. Seven years later, Puget Sound
Navigation Co. and Kennedy entered an equal partnership in a separate
company called the Navy Yard Route Inc., and that new company retained
the name through Kennedy's death in 1920.
In 1908, the Puget Sound Navigation Co. reorganized
again, increasing its capital stock from $500,000 to $1.5 million. For the next few decades
the navy yard route was called by the name of their
company, regardless of which boat the passenger was riding. That same
year, Puget Sound Navigation Co. moved its terminal from Pier 2 to
Colman dock, the same general area where riders board the
Peninsula-bound ferries today.
In 1909, a group known as the Alaska Syndicate, with
funds from J.P. Morgan and the Guggenheim Company, bought the Alaska
Steamship Company so they could mine copper in the Wrangell Mountains.
They merged the company with the Northwest (Northern) Steamship Company,
keeping the Alaska Steamship Company name. The merger of the two
companies just about gave them a
monopoly in the Alaska shipping industry. They expanded the fleet into
18 ships and expanded service in Alaska from Ketchikan to Kotzebue. At
that point, Alaska Steamship Company was no longer flying the flag of
the Black Ball Line.
~ 1894
- Alaska Steamship
Company enters Alaska trade
~ 1909 - The Alaska Syndicate buys Alaska Steamship Company
~ 1909 - Alaska Steamship Company merged with Northwestern Steamship Company
~ 1944 - Seattle's Skinner and Eddy Corporation buys Alaska Steamship from
Kennecott Copper
By 1948, prewar Alaska shipping industry of 42 vessels shrinks to
~ 1951 - Alaska Steamship competitors begin tug and barge and container ship service to Alaska
~ 1953 - Alaska Steamship begins container ship service
~ 1954 - Alaska Steamship ends ocean passenger service to Alaska
~ 1957 - Alaska Steamship sends two vessels each week from Seattle to Southeast Alaska
~ 1960 - Alaska Steamship operates 14 freighters
By 1969, Alaska Steamship had ended its service to most South Central Alaska ports
~ 1971 - Alaska Steamship announced it was going out of business |
By 1910, Puget Sound Navigation Company began to
dominate Puget Sound, challenging all steamboat companies on inland
1912 sees Charles Peabody retiring from Alaska
Steamship Company and being replaced by S.W. Eccles of the Guggenheim
In 1915, Kennecott Copper Company was formed and began
acquiring stock from the Alaska Steamship Company.
By 1916, Alexander Peabody had attended Columbia and
Cornell Universities and was beginning his hand as an apprentice sailor.
During World War I, he joined the US Navy and by the end of his tour of
duty in 1919, he had made lieutenant.
By 1918, Puget Sound Navigation had begun shopping
for vessels that both had the capacity to carry passengers plus
automobiles. The BAILEY GATZERT was located in Portland, Oregon and
subsequently purchased and brought to Seattle and refitted for auto
service in April 1918. In 1920 she was refitted, again, this time to
accommodate as many as 30 automobiles.
In 1921, Puget Sound Navigation Co. decided to
convert the former WHATCOM steamer to an auto ferry which would be
renamed THE CITY OF BREMERTON. In this case, most of the superstructure
above the main deck was stripped off and the hull was enlarged. This increased
the width to the vessel, thereby making her more suited for carrying
In 1923,
Puget Sound Navigation Company took over control of Inland Navigation
In 1926, after enjoying a
successful east
coast brokerage career, Alexander Peabody was ready to join with his
family in managing the Puget Sound Navigation Company. While
on his way to Seattle, Alexander's father, Charles Peabody,
unexpectedly died on August 12, 1926 following an emergency appendectomy
operation. Shortly after the death of Charles Peabody, Joshua
Green, Charles Peabody's partner and fellow shareholder, sold his
equity position in the company to the Peabody family. In the meantime,
Alexander Peabody was appointed Vice President and Secretary under interim President Ira Bronson.
In 1926, the
CHIPPEWA underwent a conversion that made her the largest auto ferry on
Puget Sound with the capacity of 90 automobiles and 2,000 passengers.
In 1928, Alexander Peabody became President and
General Manager of Puget Sound Navigation Company. At this point, the
young Peabody reinstated the trade name Black Ball Line and began flying
the red flag with the black ball (the Black Ball Flag) from the masts of
Puget Sound Navigation vessels. Up to that time, Joshua Green was against that happening while he was a partner with Charles Peabody.
By 1929, the ferry industry had consolidated into two
companies: Puget Sound Navigation Company and Kitsap County
Transportation Company. A strike in 1935 forced Kitsap County
Transportation Company out of business and left the Puget Sound
Navigation Company, commonly known as the Black Ball Line, with primary control of ferry service on Puget Sound.
1935 sees a revolutionary new designed ferryboat
designed by Puget Sound Navigation Company named KALAKALA. Build upon
the hull of the burned out ferry boat PERALTA from California, KALAKALA
was of a total new design. Because of the desires of Mrs. Charles
Peabody for this new vessel to be "more rounded," KALAKALA was
designed totally in Art Deco format. It was a revolution in disguise.
Upon completion of work, on July 3, 1935, KALAKALA made her maiden
voyage from Seattle to Bremerton. During World War II, the KALAKALA saw
thousands of shipyard workers and military personnel being carried daily
across Puget Sound to the Bremerton navy yards. The KALAKALA remained in
service until December 1950, when the State of Washington took over
ferry service.
In 1936, R.J.
Acheson, Black Ball's traffic manager
since 1932, purchased Black Ball Freight Service, a road transport
subsidiary of Puget Sound Navigation Company. In the first few years of its existence, Black Ball Transport, Inc. operated the IROQUOIS, a steamship
Acheson purchased from Black Ball Line and converted to a motor freighter. The IROQUOIS ran the overnight freight run year-round between Seattle, Port Townsend and Port Angeles. From 1959 to 1969, she ran in the summer only. In 1973 the IROQUOIS was sold to Alaska-Shell of
Akutan, Alaska.
World War II, Puget Sound Navigation Company and the Black Ball Line
cooperated with the needs of the U.S. Government in getting war workers
to their jobs in various spots around Puget Sound. Alexander Peabody
also agreed to reduce ferry fares by 10 percent. With the ferry fleet
now around 23 vessels, it had the capacity to carry some 22,000 cars and
315,000 passengers daily. Fifteen different routes and some 450 sailings
each day was the task needed to keep pace with the war effort that
Peabody had stepped up to the plate to service.
After the
war, though, things began changing; times began changing; feelings began
World War II, increasing labor costs made private operation of the ferry
system increasingly challenging. In the late 1940s, ferry workers’
labor unions succeeded in securing higher wages from the Puget Sound
Navigation Company. The ferry service provider petitioned the State
Highway Department to allow a 30% fare increase to meet new operating
costs. When the State refused its request, the Puget Sound Navigation
Company tied up its boats, bringing much of cross-sound ferry service to
a halt.
In 1948,
Lois Bates Acheson,
at age 32, becomes vice president of Black Ball Freight Service.
On December 30, 1950, The Puget Sound Navigation
Company receives offer from Gov. Arthur B. Langlie of the state of
Washington to purchase the nation's largest privately owned ferry
system. After years of failed negotiations with the State of Washington
for fare increases, the Black Ball Line began working on agreements to
sell 16 ferries, 20 terminals, one destroyer escort and other
miscellaneous items to Washington State's Toll Bridge Authority. Captain
Charles Peabody was to retain five vessels, one destroyer escort, the
rights to the Seattle-Victoria route and terminals in Seattle, Port
Angeles and Victoria.
June 1, 1951 The Black Ball Line becomes Washington
State Ferry Service.
Washington State Ferry System ~ An Observation Worth
Early Ferry Service
State Ferries came into existence with the state’s buyout of Puget
Sound Navigation in 1951. Ferry service around Puget Sound has changed
tremendously over the course of the last century.
Originating in the early 1900s, Puget Sound ferry
service was initially provided by a number of companies using small
steamers known as the "Mosquito Fleet." By 1929, the ferry
industry had consolidated into two companies: Puget Sound Navigation
Company and Kitsap County Transportation Company. A strike in 1935
forced Kitsap County Transportation Company out of business and left the
Puget Sound Navigation Company, commonly known as Black Ball line, with
primary control of ferry service on Puget Sound.
World War II, increasing labor costs made private operation of the ferry
system increasingly challenging. In the late 1940s, ferry workers’
labor unions succeeded in securing higher wages from the Puget Sound
Navigation Company. The ferry service provider petitioned the State
Highway Department to allow a 30% fare increase to meet new operating
costs. When the State refused its request, the Puget Sound Navigation
Company tied up its boats, bringing much of cross-sound ferry service to
a halt.
Creation of WSF
Washington State recognized that the ferries were a
life line for many communities and there was a need for reliable ferry
service to meet growing demand. In 1951, after numerous discussions with
the State Legislature over fares and service, the Puget Sound Navigation
Company sold all of its terminal facilities and ferries (with the
exception of the Seattle/Port Angeles/Victoria, B.C. route) for $5
Million to a newly created Washington Toll Bridge Authority, now known
as Washington State Ferries (WSF).
The ferry system was originally intended to provide
temporary service until a network of bridges could be built connecting
the west and east sides of Puget Sound. In 1959, however, the
legislature rejected the plan to build numerous cross sound bridges. At
that time, the responsibility for managing the ferry system was shared
by the Toll Bridge Authority and the State Highway Commission.
The Toll
Bridge Authority set fares and controlled the system’s finance,
including long-term indebtedness, while the operation of the ferry
system was controlled by the Highway Commission. In 1977, the two
agencies were combined under the existing Washington State Department of
Transportation (WSDOT).
Development of the Fleet
In its first year of service, the State operated
ferry system carried approximately four million passengers. The boats
the State purchased from the Puget Sound Navigation Company included a
number of steel diesel-electrics from San Francisco, the Illahee,
Klickitat, Nisqually, Quinault, Enetai, and Willapa; wooden
diesel-electrics including the Chetzemoka, Kehloken, and Klahanie;
steamers such as San Mateo and Shasta; wooden diesel-powered boats built
in the Northwest such as the Rosario, Kitsap, Crosline, Leschi,
Skansonia and Vashon; and a former Great Lakes steamer, the Chippewa.
The new
ferry system’s first challenge was to add boats to meet growing
demands for service, relieving backups that had started occurring at
terminals. Two ferries were purchased from Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay,
the Rhododendron and the Olympic. In 1953, the State commissioned the
Puget Sound Dredge and Bridge Company (subsequently Lockheed) to build
the first Evergreen State-class vessel, which could carry 100 vehicles
and 1000 passengers. Over the next 13 years, the ferry system responded
to growing demand by rebuilding and expanding the existing fleet.
However, the Evergreen State-class ferries could not keep pace with the
demand. The Super-class ferries Hyak, Kaleetan, Yakima and Elwha were
built in 1967, each able to carry 160 cars and 2500 passengers. Within
several years even the Super-class ferries were unable to handle the
demands of the system. To meet this need, the Jumbo-class Spokane and
Walla Walla ferries were built in 1973 with a capacity of 2000
passengers and 206 vehicles. The Issaquah-class Issaquah, Kittitas,
Chelan, Kitsap, Cathlamet and Sealth ferries were added in the early
1980s to improve operations and replace aging boats. These ferries each
carry 1200 passengers and 100 cars (five have since been modified to
carry 130 cars).
The fleet expanded during the 1997/99 biennium with
the arrival of the Jumbo Mark II-class vessels, Tacoma, Puyallup and
Wenatchee. These vessels, built by Todd Shipyards in Seattle came into
active service in the 97/99 biennium. Each vessel carries 2500
passengers and 212 vehicles. Construction of a new high-speed
passenger-only class ferry, the Chinook, was also completed this
biennium. The Snohomish, the Chinook's sister ship, was received in the
1999/01 biennium.
Financial History
When the ferry system was first purchased by the
State from the Puget Sound Navigation Company, it was intended to
finance itself solely through the fare box (revenues). The original
bonds issued by the Toll Bridge Authority in 1951 required that the
system generate net revenues. The ferry routes sustained revenues in
excess of operating expenses until 1960. The entire ferry/bridge system
generated net revenue until 1974 because of the financial success of the
Hood Canal toll bridge.
support of the ferry system began in 1957 when the State Legislature
brought ferry system employees into the State Retirement System. In
1959, the State Legislature created an account, funded by 0.25 cents per
gallon of the State’s gasoline sales tax, to help pay debt service on
revenue bonds issues by the Toll Bridge Authority if costs exceeded
revenues. In 1960, the ferry system failed to meet the annual debt
service requirements, and the ferry system received $672,000 from the
State’s motor vehicle fuel tax to cover the bond payments. Additional
ferry system/Hood Canal Bridge bonds were issues in 1963. However, since
the early 1970s, all of the debt service payments for the ferry system
bonds have come from motor vehicle fuel taxes, not from ferry system
operating revenues. Over time, Washington State has continued to provide
tax support for ferry system operating and capital costs as a supplement
to WSF-generated revenues from fares and other miscellaneous income.
Since the 1970s, State tax sources have included a gasoline sales tax,
motor vehicle registration fees. Additionally, WSF pursues federal and
local funds for specific projects. The use of public funds for ferry
system purposes is strictly regulated, and taxes imposed for operating
and capital expenses are levied and tracked separately. The taxes used
to fund operating and capital expenses have been raised over the years
in order to cover growing operating and capital costs. In fiscal years
1998 and 1999, the ferry system generated revenue to cover 65% and 66%
of its operating costs, respectively. The Washington State
Transportation Commission mandates that the ferry system fare box
generate a minimum of 60% of the system’s operating expenses. The
remaining percentage is provided by tax support from the State.
WSF has been involved in the on-going assessment of
fares since 1991. Fare changes during the 1997/99 biennium have included
across-the-board fare increases of 2.3% and 2.2% in FY 1998 and FY 1999,
respectively, to adjust for inflation and several fare policy changes
such as fare rounding, revised commuter discounts, and a revision to the
peak season vehicle/driver surcharge.
WSF Today
WSF is
the largest ferry system in the United States, serving eight counties
within Washington and the Province of British Columbia in Canada.
Counties served include Pierce, King, Snohomish, Kitsap, Skagit, Island,
San Juan, and Jefferson Counties. WSF’s existing system has 10 routes
and 20 terminals that are served by 28 vessels. In fiscal year 1999, WSF
carried over 11 million vehicles and 26 million people—over one
million more walk-on and vehicle passengers and 500,000 more vehicles
and drivers than in fiscal year 1997.
Washington State Department of Transportation website
In 1951, before Washington State took over
ferry operations, Alexander Peabody created a Canadian subsidiary of
Puget Sound Navigation Company, Black Ball Ferries Ltd. To this Canadian company were transferred the
(renamed KAHLOKE and later LANGDALE QUEEN), the CHINOOK (renamed CHINOOK
II and later SACHELT QUEEN), and later, the SMOKWA. B.C. Ferries
acquired Black Ball Ferries, ten years later, in 1961. That sale included the
By 1952, Black Ball
Freight Service operations included 200 trucks and trailers and employed
125 people. In 1952, Black Ball Freight Service organized a new subsidiary,
naming it Black Ball Transport, Inc. A new version of the famous Black
Ball flag was incorporated into Black Ball Transport, Inc. with the new flag
being much like the old ~ just with the addition of a thin white circle around
the black ball on a red flag.
In July 1958, Canadian Premier
W.A.C. Bennett announced that the
British Columbia Ferry Authority would take over ferry service under
mandate from the provincial government.
In 1959, Black Ball Transport, Inc. built an auto and passenger ferry, naming it the
MV COHO. Philip F. Spaulding & Associates of Seattle designed the vessel,
with the keel being laid January 12, 1959 at Puget Sound Bridge & Dry
Dock in Seattle. COHO made her first commercial sailing to Victoria, B.C. on December 29,
1959. Initially, the COHO not only
serviced the Port Angeles to Victoria vehicle and passenger route, but
also carried freight trucks between Seattle, Port Angeles, Port Townsend
and Victoria, as well.
In 1961, Black Ball Ferries, Ltd was sold to British
In 1963, Robert Acheson
died. His wife, Lois Bates Acheson took charge of Black Ball Freight
In 1973, Black Ball Freight Service,
then operating some 350 trucks in Washington and British Columbia, was
sold to ROCOR International.
Black Ball Transport continued to operate the COHO on the Port Angeles
to Victoria passenger and vehicle route and continues to this
In 1980, Captain Alexander Marshall Peabody
died at the age of
85, leaving behind him the legacy of the Black Ball Line in Puget Sound
waters and the Pacific Northwest including Canada and Alaska.
In the early
1980s, wildcat strikes by Washington State Ferry personnel, new-ferry
construction contracts laced with accusations of corruption and a multitude of
other alleged deficiencies within the ferry system became common place.
fares, decreasing passenger loads, strikes, boats with poor interior design,
and boats that could not steer their way out of the surrounding scandal were
all part and parcel of the 1980s. The ferry system which had been losing money
during the 1970s was a financial morass ten years later. State action to
increase the ferry subsidy level from 25 percent to 40 percent prevented fare
hikes that would have totaled 92 percent in a 25-month period, but the overall
funding problem remained largely unsolved.
With a
contrariness typical of human nature, ferry riders --who had a generation
earlier celebrated the state takeover of the ferries as an escape from the
much maligned Captain Alexander Peabody and Puget Sound Navigation Company--
began to call for a return to the good old days when Black Ball provided good
service, low fares, delicious food service and a comfortable boat."
"In many
ways, the history of Puget Sound ferries may have come full circle and the
future may be a return to some of the elements of the past. Private operators,
smaller vessels, and service restored to places like Port Orchard, Harper,
Everett, Indianolo and other communities could all be in the future. The
public roads, which made the Mosquito Fleet obsolete, are themselves suffering
from crippling gridlock. The answer may be a new Mosquito Fleet, making
commuting by boats an attractive alternative to frustration on the freeway.
Once again the
future of Washington ferries is uncertain. Given that Puget Sound is still a
watery highway with few bridges, ferries will certainly become a more
expensive form of transportation and may have to give way to a demand for some
private enterprise to fill the gaps caused by reduced funding.
Puget Sound
residents who called on the state to rescue them from what they considered the
oppressive monopoly of Alex Peabody's Black Ball Ferries are now demanding to
be freed from the iron grip of the Washington State Ferry System, on one hand,
and asking for state funding of the system on the other. For its part, the
state has discovered that running the nation's largest ferry system is often a
thank-less task. Washington State ferry riders pay fares that are only a small
portion of the operating cost and yet they complain at every fare increase. In
the last 50 years ferries hae been safe, for the most part functional, and
enjoyable to ride. They have been a central feature in Washington State's
tourist industry, yet the Washington State Ferry system often seems taken for
granted in the good times and subject to harsh criticism in the bad time.
Captain Peabody would probably say "I told you so."
~from "Puget
Sound Ferries" Carolyn Neal and Tom Janus, American Historical Press,
2001; p. 143, 184-185
On August 29, 2004, Lois Bates Acheson
died, leaving behind her the legacy of the Black Ball Line's Black Ball
Freight Service and Black Ball Transport; plus the magnificent vessel MV
In 2005,
the Chronicle of Philanthropy's America's Most-Generous Donors
had this to say: "Ms. Acheson, who died at age 89 in 2004, bequeathed $21-million to the Oregon State University Foundation, in Corvallis, for the College of Veterinary Medicine.
The veterinary college did not exist when Ms. Acheson was a student at the university - she graduated with a business degree in
1937. But she loved animals and had endowed a scholarship for students of the college in 1980.
When she planned her estate, she earmarked $1.5-million of the gift to endow a dean's position at the veterinary college, and the university plans to use the rest of the bequest to endow the veterinary college."
~March 2006